A picture of pumpkins with the event title: Pullen Pumpkin Picture Project


All Pullen Families 


Step 1:  Please use the link below to sign up for this event. 

Step 2: Once you have signed up, your child will receive a voucher to use at Papa’s 

Pumpkin Patch for 1 FREE pumpkin, along with a “My Pumpkin Observation Form.” 

Step 3: Visit Papa’s Pumpkin Patch to pick out your pumpkin. 

 *If your family needs I-Ride tickets for transportation, please contact 989-775-2270.

Step 4: As a family, complete the “My Pumpkin Observation Form”. This is a great way to practice math

 vocabulary and math concepts at home. 

Step 5: Carve, paint, or decorate your pumpkin! Send in a picture of your pumpkin for a chance to win a prize! We 

will make a Pumpkin Picture Project slideshow to share all of your work!   

To Do: 

Submit your Pumpkin Observation Form to your child’s teacher by October 28th.

Submit your pumpkin picture by Sunday, October 30th to Megan Stembridge at: mstembridge@mp.edzone.net or text your picture to 989-283-4129.


To join together as a Pullen team for a fun school project and enjoy time spent together as a family! Students will work on math skills, problem solving and reasoning skills, social and turn taking skills, creativity and imagination. 

Where:  At your convenience visit Papa’s Pumpkin Patch, and do the activities provided in the packet.

To sign up click here.