Oiler Pack – Therapy Dogs

Meet The Oiler Pack!

photo of cute dog

photo of cute dog

Photo of cute dog

photo of cute dog

Mt. Pleasant Public School has introduced four social emotional support dogs, the Oiler Pack, to our district for the 2020-2021 school year. (From Left to Right) Teddy, a male labradoodle hosted by Tracy Wood and supports Ganiard Elementary; Rig, a male Australian labradoodle, hosted by Amy Weber and supports McGuire Elementary; Blu, a male black lab, hosted with Emily Shiner and supports Fancher Elementary and Olive, a female black lab, hosted by Jason and Courtney Russell and supports the Middle School. Thanks to a generous grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe, the Oiler Pack, along with their hosts, have completed an extensive training program to become social emotional support dogs. 


Research has shown that therapy dogs support psychological and academic growth while increasing social skills, self-esteem and school attendance in children. Additionally, having therapy dogs at our schools align with Mt. Pleasant Public School’s social and emotional learning goals.  Therapy dogs are trained to provide emotional support, which positively impacts reading skills, emotional functioning and communication skills. In addition, the use of therapy dogs may decrease anxiety, improve motivation and increase emotion regulation in students.  


Staff members at the High School, Central Office, the Middle School, Fancher and Ganiard will be able to invite these dogs into their classrooms but also provide one on one support to students as needed. Student interaction with the dogs are completely voluntary and will be based on student comfort level. A safety plan has been developed and put in place for students with allergies and/or students who have an aversion to dogs.  If you have parental concerns regarding allergies, aversions, or other concerns you may have regarding your child’s potential interaction with the dogs, please contact the building principal.         


A special thank you to our sponsors! Their support has allowed and afforded our district to purchase and care for the Oiler Pack.  


Animal Health Associates

Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe 

Mindfulness Therapy Dogs

Elyssa Norman, Groomer