McGuire Minute 4.20.23
Spirit Day tomorrow for the Mustangs! Wear your Sports Gear!
Celebrate a Spirit Day with us by wearing your Sports Gear on April 12!
See you soon, Mustangs! Hope you had a great week off!
Enjoy your week off, Mustangs!
Reminder-no school tomorrow!
Check out the latest McGuire Minute for 3.21.23. Reminder that there is no school on Friday, March 24.
Wear your pj's tomorrow to celebrate Reading Month Spirit Days!
Wear crazy socks and sock it to me with a Good Book!
Tomorrow is the MPPS Movie Event from 11am-1pm. See YOU there!
Book-nic is TOMORROW from 12-12:40! Bring a blanket, beach towel, and your favorite books to read if you like. Classrooms will also have books available for students to read. You are welcome to bring a special lunch for your student if you would like and we would love to see you!
Wear Green tomorrow!
Wear your Mustang Blue and Gold!
Be a reading JEANious and wear jeans!
Don't forget about our McGuire Book-nic lunch on March 17 from 12-12:40! Bring a blanket, beach towel, and your favorite books to read if you like. Classrooms will also have books available for students to read. You are welcome to bring a special lunch for your student if you would like and we would love to see you!
Read a T-shirt Day is tomorrow!
Dress like your favorite book character!
All are welcome to the Saginaw Chippewa Round Dance at the Eagle's Nest Tribal Gym on Friday, March 10 at 5:30pm. Please see flyer for additional details.
Join us at McGuire on March 17 from 12-12:40 for our Book-nic lunch! Bring a blanket, beach towel, and your favorite books to read if you like. Classrooms will also have books available for students to read. You are welcome to bring a special lunch for your student if you would like and we would love to see you!
Exercise your right to READ!