We are so excited to see you all at our Family Social Studies Event on November 16 from 5:00-6:30pm at McGuire!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Family Social Studies Event
We are proud to honor Mrs. Angela Skonieczny as our Kiwanis Outstanding Teacher for the 2022-2023 school year. Mrs. Skonieczny, a 4th grade teacher at McGuire, is an amazing educator in all aspects of the word. Teaching students and shaping students to be the best version of themselves is Angela’s calling. Mrs. Skonieczny is an exemplary colleague, always sharing ideas with others, being willing to ask questions to learn, and having a positive attitude. We are so proud to have her here at McGuire as a Mustang and know that we get to watch greatness daily when we are with her. Angela leaves each student, program, and classroom that she is involved in better because she was a part of it. She is an integral part of our McGuire team and we are incredibly honored to make a difference in the lives of our students daily with Mrs. Angela Skonieczny. Congratulations to Mrs. Skonieczny!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Kiwanis Outstanding Teacher  2022-2023
Kiwanis Outstanding Teacher Award 2022-2023
Celebrate with us for Veterans Day!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Veterans Day
Join us in supporting our local community by participating in Community Care Month during all of November. Thank you for helping us care for those around us! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K9iVgbHJFZVMisBjTqIkzOBXAOdV-Csu/view?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Community Care Month
Check out our November Students of the Month! We are SO PROUD of these Mustangs! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Y6c7ujrz3jd0eQWPH58SyeLvXXOcL1mZ-4MXF0wHoaA/edit?usp=sharing
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Nov. Stu of the Month
Nov. Stu of the Mth
There are different options to submit payment for lunch at school. See the attached flyer for those options. If you have questions, please call food service directly at 989-317-9062.
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Lunch Balances
Don't forget to join us celebrating and honoring Veterans at our Veterans Day Assembly on Nov. 11 at 10am at McGuire Elementary! We would LOVE to have you!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Veterans Day
Wear your favorite HAT today!!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Hat Day
There are menu changes this week. Please show the changes to your Mustang so there are no surprises at lunch. Enjoy the beautiful weather!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Lunch Changes
School Picture Retakes are tomorrow!!
almost 2 years ago, Erin King
Picture Retakes
See you tomorrow at our Family Math Night!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Family Math Night
Don't forget to sign up for our Fall Parent Meeting coming up on October 25. RSVP by October 20th!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Fall Parent Meeting
Brrrr! It's cold already and we go outside daily unless it is raining. We want to make sure our Mustangs are warm so send in their warm gear daily. Thanks!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Outside Recess
Winter Gear
See you soon when you can check out our FUN and FUNKY costumes for Halloween on October 31st. Teachers will reach out to families to finalize plans for classroom celebrations. Can't wait to see you watching our parade or at our Halloween Classroom Parties!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Costume Guidelines
Costume Guidelines
Join us celebrating and honoring Veterans at our Veterans Day Assembly on Nov. 11 at 10am at McGuire Elementary! We would LOVE to have you!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Veterans Day
We are SO thankful for our Bus Drivers!! We are going to celebrate them ALL WEEK LONG!
almost 2 years ago, Erin King
School Bus Appreciation Week
What a great 8 weeks we have had here at McGuire for the 2022-2023 school year! Check out the latest in our McGuire Minute 10.14.22. https://www.smore.com/zukxa
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
McGuire would love to see you at our Fall Parent Meeting. Join us on October 25! We would love to show you some strategies for reading and math and can't wait to partner with you in your child's education. Can't wait to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Fall Meeting-Parents
LAST CALL-Mustang families, invitations were sent home for our family event, Math Pumpkin Night at the Pumpkin Patch sponsored by Title I! Please pre-register by October 14th! You can do so, by scanning the QR code on the invitation that was sent home, or click the link below to navigate to the registration form. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ICFlrloHgY7dhinXfiMl1cv56cdzRjS_9Lj2LE8y624/viewform?edit_requested=true
almost 2 years ago, McGuire Elementary Principal-Erin King
Family Math Night
Remember no school for DK-5 students tomorrow. See you at our virtual Conferences.
almost 2 years ago, Erin King
No School DK-5-Oct. 14