Book Fair starts TOMORROW and runs through the 18th. Your students can shop during the school day!

Enjoy the 4 day weekend, Mustangs!

If you missed your time for Parent Teacher Conferences, there is one more chance-TOMORROW! Call the school tomorrow morning at 9am to see if there are any open slots. We would love to connect with you about your Mustang!

Please stop by the Lost and Found table during conferences!

Looking forward to seeing you all tonight or tomorrow for Parent Teacher Conferences! We are so thankful to partner with you all to help grow your student to be all they can be!
Check out the Counselor's Corner for October-check in with Miss Winnay during conferences if you would like to learn more!

The Spirit Day for tomorrow is WESTERN WEAR DAY in honor of 4H Week! Show your MUSTANG SPIRIT!!

Parent Teacher Conferences are tomorrow. See you soon!

The Spirit Day for tomorrow is PLAID DAY in honor of 4H Week. Show your MUSTANG SPIRIT!

Our Mustangs are the best! Check out last week's Mustang Ticket winners!

Next week is 4H Week and we have some sweet students who shared their knowledge with us to help us learn about new ideas and grow our brains! Here are the Spirit Days for Monday through Wednesday to celebrate this special week. Join us and show your MUSTANG SPIRIT!

It's BLUE and GOLD Day tomorrow! We hope to see you supporting your Mustangs by wearing Blue and Gold and cheering for us at the Homecoming Parade tomorrow at 4:30!

It's COLOR WARS!!! 3rd-Red, 4th-Blue, 5th-White. Which grade will show the most spirit?

Homecoming Parade-Come support the Oilers and you will see some Mustangs in the parade, too!

McGuire Students have spirit!! Check out our Beach Day apparel from Tuesday!

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up! See your email for information on how to sign up!

Hat Day is tomorrow for our Homecoming Spirit Week. Let's see those HATS!

A few more lost and found!

We have a LOT of lost items in our Lost and Found. Look at the attached pictures and let us know if anything belongs to your student :)

Check out our Book Vending Machine winners!

McGuire Minute 10..1.24